Section: Research Program
Distributed Computing
The distributed community can be viewed as the union of two sub-communities. This is true even in our team. Even though they are not completely disjoint, they are disjoint enough not to leverage each other’s results. At a high level, one is mostly interested in timing issues (clock drifts, link delays, crashes, etc.) while the other one is mostly interested in spatial issues (network structure, memory requirements, etc.). Indeed, one sub-community is mostly focusing on the combined impact of asynchronism and faults on distributed computation, while the other addresses the impact of network structural properties on distributed computation. Both communities address various forms of computational complexities, through the analysis of different concepts. This includes, e.g., failure detectors and wait-free hierarchy for the former community, and compact labeling schemes and computing with advice for the latter community. We have the ambitious project to achieve the reconciliation between the two communities by focusing on the same class of problems, the yes/no-problems, and establishing the scientific foundations for building up a consistent theory of computability and complexity for distributed computing. The main question addressed is therefore: is the absence of globally coherent computational complexity theories covering more than fragments of distributed computing, inherent to the field? One issue is obviously the types of problems located at the core of distributed computing. Tasks like consensus, leader election, and broadcasting are of very different nature. They are not yes-no problems, neither are they minimization problems. Coloring and Minimal Spanning Tree are optimization problems but we are often more interested in constructing an optimal solution than in verifying the correctness of a given solution. Still, it makes full sense to analyze the yes-no problems corresponding to checking the validity of the output of tasks. Another issue is the power of individual computation. The FLP impossibility result as well as Linial’s lower bound hold independently from the individual computational power of the involved computing entities. For instance, the individual power of solving NP-hard problems in constant time would not help overcoming these limits which are inherent to the fact that computation is distributed. A third issue is the abundance of models for distributed computing frameworks, from shared memory to message passing, spanning all kinds of specific network structures (complete graphs, unit-disk graphs, etc.) and or timing constraints (from complete synchronism to full asynchronism). There are however models, typically the wait-free model and the LOCAL model, which, though they do not claim to reflect accurately real distributed computing systems, enable focusing on some core issues. Our research program is ongoing to carry many important notions of Distributed Computing into a standard computational complexity.